Announcing the ArtSciLab Initiative on E-sports to drive desirable cultural changes.

A collaboration between Kofi Latzoo and Roger F Malina

May 24 2024

Roger Malina,

The e-sports industries are emerging as key contributors to the emergence of improvement

of cultures across the earth. Sports are one of oldest human professions and will

continue to drive segments of the human population to address hopes and fears

around them through social and technological innovation and ingenuity.

Our mission is to cross-couple the esports industries with other industries such

as education, cognitive sciences, start-up culture…We will seek to do this

cross-culturally and cross-generationally. Human demographics are changing

steadily with a growing number of older professionals and fewer children; our

mission is to use demographic change as one method to improve human cultures

with one of the drivers being e-sports based on sports. Let’s replace actual wars with sports,

as the Olympics and U.N. once championed, but have failed to do. This is not ping-pong diplomacy

but serious applications of hybrid knowledge and practice to problem finding.


Director ArtSciLab, University of Texas at Dallas, Professor of Physics and

Endowed Chair in Art and Technology, Dallas Texas and Paris France.

Kofi Latzoo:

Gamecampcities Financial Co-Founder | CEO + Creative Lead President​, Dakar, Senegal.

The video game industry contributes significantly to economic activity in the hubs where it

is located and to the leisure and relaxation activities of many people. Globally, the industry

generated an estimated revenue of USD 184 billion in 2023.

Revenue is distributed between mobile (49 percent), console (30 percent), personal computer (PC) (20 percent) and browser (one percent) games.2 In comparison, the second largest entertainment industry, the movie industry, generated revenue of USD 99.7 billion dollars in 2021.

Big-budget video games now have budgets that rival big-budget movies. For example, in

2023, the video game Cyberpunk 2077 cost USD 441.9 million compared to Fast X, the most expensive film released that year and which cost USD 340 million. Apart from its overall contribution to economic activity, the video game industry also creates high-skilled, high paying jobs. Between 2018 and 2022, video game industry workers earned one to three times the average wage in Finland, Japan, Poland and the United States of America (US).

Video games are being consumed by more and more people. It is estimated that over three

billion people play video games every year. Players are also diverse. In Poland, 47 percent of video game consumers are women, while in the United States women account for 48 percent of gamers.

Most games are casual mobile games such as the hits Angry Birds and Candy

Crush Saga, although PC and console games continue to be very popular. Despite the benefits of video game development hubs, they are still relatively rare, and many countries have little to no such economic activity. What explains why video game development and publishing hubs have appeared and clustered in certain regions?

Kofi Sika LATZOO

Gamecampcities Financial Co-Founder | CEO + Creative Lead President​

Metaverse Essentials | FOS x Meta Certified

Sports Marketing Essentials | FOS x PEPSI Sports Certified

(M.E.T.A) Microsoft Esport Teacher Academy Certified  

Barça Innovation HUB – Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing,

Sponsorship and Communication in Sports

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