DAVINCINEERING: ArtSciLab Steps forward into the Past

Roger F. Malina with Jason Brogden, Jeff Price, Ben Wu, Tak Tarbo and…..

May 26 2024

At Jason Brogden’s instigation, a team in the UTDallas is working on reconstructing Leonardo Da Vinci’s workshop in our own location, physical and virtual. This is not an original idea/project, searching on line reveals numerous previous attempts.

They will also be also installed on a campus of the local Lynx academy.

I, Roger, went shopping yesterday to buy objects and substances that davinci had access to. The experience was very thought provoking.

I put olive oil in a wooden bowl as solvent for paint powders I found at a local art store.

1 thought on “DAVINCINEERING: ArtSciLab Steps forward into the Past”

  1. Milad Karimpour Lalehdashti

    Interesting….Leonardo was a unique nobleman in the history who could see hidden brilliant ideas far beyond the curtains of world’s secrets.

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