Roger Malina

Why Ignorance is Useful Bliss For the ArtSciLab Smart Village

Feb 2 2024 Upon beginning to read : Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies, Edited By Matthias Gross, Linsey McGoey Copyright 2023 Understanding and applying Innovation Studies are crucial to the work of our UTDallas ArtSciLab, but only recently Ignorance studies came to my attention. As a physicist I expected quantum mechanics and electromagnetic

Why Ignorance is Useful Bliss For the ArtSciLab Smart Village Read More »

Help make a difference by being strange and disturbing

Friends colleagues and best enemies As you know we are crowdfunding our Creative Disturbance Platform. Please. The chief disturber is our artscilab manager Evan Acuna And If you make a donation, we promise to record and publish A podcast with you- we will be contacting all donors And we are particularly interested in Canada

Help make a difference by being strange and disturbing Read More »

Wandering Air from Feynman to Embodied Ingenuity

Roger F Malina Feb 4 2024 Irreversibility This morning I am readying material provided by Anu Gowda and Yueh-Jung Lee; I serve on their PhD committees. This blog is a result of this weekend work, and I would like to bring to their attention: Creativity studies has focused on creative thinking processes, problem-solving, and

Wandering Air from Feynman to Embodied Ingenuity Read More »

Strangeness and the Physics of Loneliness Quantum Level 2

1/23/2024 Linda Henderson and Paul Thomas Are two strange people in my life One is working on the fifth plus dimensions in art and science The other on quantum art and uncertainty Arguing that the power of uncertainty is undervalued With certainty that understanding requires 4 or 5 +/- cognitive experiences, yeah Cognition does

Strangeness and the Physics of Loneliness Quantum Level 2 Read More »

Urban Acupuncture Applied to a Research Lab and Studio: ArtSciVillage an exemplar of Smart Village Acupuncture

Jan 20 2024 The UTDallas ArtSciLab is a university research lab and studio. We seek to apply trans-disciplinary, trans-cultural and trans-generational methodologies on problems that are desirable to solve. Tomas Londono, and subsequently Tommy Ayala, initiated the application of Smart Village methods to our research lab. The hope is that we will uncover new ways

Urban Acupuncture Applied to a Research Lab and Studio: ArtSciVillage an exemplar of Smart Village Acupuncture Read More »